Oceanside Outside Celebrates Music for the Soul

feedingJoin us on August 20, 2016 as the exhilarating sounds of the Pom Poms, Billy Galewood and Lee Koch are loosed in joyous song in support of Feeding the Soul, a fundraiser for Banding Together. Their mission is to bring to music to people living with Down Syndrome, autism and other special needs.

The event begins at 4:00pm and ends at 7:00pm and will be held at Goat Hill Park which is located at 2323 Goat Hill drive in Oceanside, California. Money raised goes toward music therapy scholarships, instruments, jam sessions and mentorships with musicians and our summer program, which is a music therapy summer camp. Come out and join the fun and help us raise money for a great cause.

Visit http://www.feedingthesoulfoundation.org/ and http://visitoceanside.org to read more details.

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