Everyone’s invited to take part in Project Walk Foundation Fundraiser Night on April 3, 2017, 5pm to 7pm. All proceeds will be given to Project Walk Foundation. Enjoy the night with lots of delicious food.
The Project Walk Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons with paralysis. The Foundation strives to make alternative activity-based recovery treatments for paralysis available to all affected individuals regardless of that person’s financial condition.
The Foundation provides hope and a chance for recovery to those given little to no hope by traditional medicine. Unfortunately, these alternative treatments, though effective, are not covered by most insurance providers. As a result, we raise money for much needed scholarships to participate in these programs, which are offered at Project Walk Paralysis Recovery Centers across the nation.
Through the Project Walk Foundation, people living with a disability are given the chance to regain the independence that was lost. The Foundation continues to prove that paralysis does not always mean a life confined to a wheelchair, but instead promotes that recovery is possible.
Please visit www.projectwalkfoundation.org for more information.